Quick change South Africa - Momentum Insurance

In 2010, British Quick Change Artists, Keelan and Charlotte we fortunate enough to spend two months in the beautiful country of South Africa touring around with South Africa’s leading insurance provider – Momentum. They traveled the width and breadth of the country bringing their quick change show to all the representatives of the momentum group.

The insurance group took to road to spread the word of changes within the company and send the important message to their staff by using a visual and fun way of entertaining their staff with something previously unseen in South Africa, combined with a conference style lecture to get the actual facts across.

The quick change artists performed in 11 cities across South Africa including Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Bloemfoutain to name a few. They had some amazing experiences whilst in South Africa, including visiting Table Mountain and a safari trek.

The quick change act was something that had previously not been seen in South Africa and was very much a new and exciting concept, that for some of the more rural areas they visited, blew the minds of the momentum workers and really did give them a new experience.

Quick Change - South Afri